A very Happy New Year to you all and I hope you have had the chance to play with some of the items that Father Christmas left for you on the big day . . . assuming you have been good!!

In this day and age, gadgets are more and more prevalent as gifts for our loved ones. We all love to receive these gifts and watching others enjoy them is a wonder to behold.

Gadgets and technology have become an increasingly important part of our lives. So, should you be considering gadget insurance? We are constantly sending texts from our phones, reading emails on our laptops or tablets, using the latest GPS device to lead us to our next meeting, or kicking back to watch the game or play on a console after a hard day at work or school on our plasma screen television. Gadgets, gadgets and more gadgets. We have invested so much of our time and money into our gadgets that the question is whether gadget insurance is worth the investment? And if we do have gadget insurance, what might it cover?

Many warranties provided by companies such as Android and Apple don’t provide coverage for cracked screens or theft. With gadget insurance, accidents are no longer a worry. You’re provided a peace of mind that money put into your gadgets will not be a waste of money if an accident were to happen such as a spill. With the substantial amount of money customers spend on gadgets, protection with gadget insurance is valuable to have.


Read the fine print for the policies sold by the companies selling the gadgets.  Loss and theft are often uncovered when it comes to insuring your gadgets. Picking an appropriate gadget insurance policy that fits your lifestyle is important. If you find yourself travelling or dropping your gadgets often, you may want to consider gadget insurance.

The bottom line is this: protect those gadgets!! Gadget insurance covers what companies resist to repair such as a cracked screen or broken button. With gadget insurance you’re provided a peace of mind and also a safety net for your money. You know that if your child drops your £750 tablet, you’ll get your money back. We put so much time and money into our gadgets that is essential to make sure they’re covered.

It is also a worthwhile exercise to make a call to your household contents insurer or broker to ensure that any devices are covered here as well

If loss and theft coverage for your gadgets or other precious items is something you don’t yet have, contact Northcott Beaton Ltd. One of our agents will be happy to discuss insurance options with you.